The Map Model

Flexible Pathways

Map Academy is designed to be responsive, flexible and truly student-centered. Unlike one size fits all traditional schools which are bound by fixed time, place and curriculum, Map Academy will embed flexibility into every aspect of our school. We will implement a student-centered, competency-based model which revolves around accommodating our students’ lives and responsibilities. Students will be able to attend morning, midday, and/or afternoon classes depending on their individual learning, personal needs, and target graduation date. Eleven week trimesters will enable multiple entry points and graduation opportunities. 

Map-GraduatesIn Map Academy’s competency-based model, students will not be grouped by age, traditional grade levels or credit accumulation, but rather by competency needs and level of engagement. We are committed to putting students at the center of their learning by tailoring instruction to their current needs and will adjust students’ schedules and instructional programming accordingly every eleven weeks. The majority of instruction will be face-to-face, but when appropriate we will utilize blended and online learning opportunities, so that learning can happen anytime, anywhere. As students progress toward graduation and demonstrate that they are ready, they will take math and English classes and have access to other dual enrollment opportunities through our partnership with Quincy College at Plymouth, allowing us to offer students a wider range of rich, personalized learning experiences.

Map Academy’s school calendar is shaped by the needs of our students, but we will adhere to the state requirements by providing students with a minimum of 180 instructional days, and at least 990 hours of instruction. Further, we will offer a range of supplemental programming during school breaks and the summer months in order to keep students engaged year round.

Sign up for an open house

Students have a unique experience at Map Academy, and we invite you to check out a sampling of it at one of our Open Houses. Here, you will see the facility, get a sense of how the space allows for the student-centered, flexible model at Map, and have your questions answered by one of our staff.

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