The Map Model

Putting students at the center

Meeting students at their current levels of engagement and resilience. Increasing expectations as they develop the academic, personal, and social tools they need to be successful.

Map Academy is founded on a belief that every student can succeed, but that for some students, the path toward success does not fit the model of traditional high schools. We believe that there is no one size fits all educational model, or one size fits all timeline toward a high school diploma.  Map Academy is committed to creating a school culture that is unlike the traditional model—one that recognizes that students will enter the doors of our school each day carrying their own burdens and understands that social-emotional needs must be met in order for academic learning to occur. We are committed to ensuring students graduate ready to thrive, prepared for post-secondary education, meaningful employment, and productive participation in their community.

Map Academy makes each student the focus of the work—putting the student at the center of their learning—and ensuring that all decisions about their education are being made with them and for them. In order to ensure students are receiving personalized instruction and support at their current levels of need, we will utilize Individualized Learning Plans which incorporate academic, social-emotional, and career education benchmarks. At Map Academy, the focus remains squarely on the needs and the experience of the individual student, and all of the traditional constructs that hinder growth and artificially measure progress—grades, credits, policies–fade into the background.

Sign up for an open house

Students have a unique experience at Map Academy, and we invite you to check out a sampling of it at one of our Open Houses. Here, you will see the facility, get a sense of how the space allows for the student-centered, flexible model at Map, and have your questions answered by one of our staff.

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