
Map Academy offers alternative high school experience

Midway through our first year of operations, Wicked Local stopped by to check out how the Map Academy model takes a radically different approach to the traditional high school experience.

“We’re a self-paced school. We’re self-paced because we know we can’t hold kids. For some kids, life gets in the way of traditional school; 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. doesn’t work. But that shouldn’t deprive a kid of a high school education,” Co-Founder Josh Charpentier said. “It’s 2019 now, and everything in the world is flexible. Why can’t the high school experience be flexible?”

Read the full article here.

Sign up for an open house

Students have a unique experience at Map Academy, and we invite you to check out a sampling of it at one of our Open Houses. Here, you will see the facility, get a sense of how the space allows for the student-centered, flexible model at Map, and have your questions answered by one of our staff.

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