Student Parking Permit

Student Name(Required)
Please upload a photograph of your Driver’s License
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Please upload a photograph of your Registration
Max. file size: 50 MB.

Upon issuing the permit must be placed on the drivers side back windshield.

By entering your name, you agree to abide by the rules outlined in the Student Handbook regarding driving and parking on campus. I understand that driving and parking on campus is a privilege, not a right, and that this privilege can be revoked at any time by the school with or without advance notice.

Clear Signature
Clear Signature

Sign up for an open house

Students have a unique experience at Map Academy, and we invite you to check out a sampling of it at one of our Open Houses. Here, you will see the facility, get a sense of how the space allows for the student-centered, flexible model at Map, and have your questions answered by one of our staff.

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