Candidate Inventory
Thank you for your interest in joining our Map Academy team. We lead a staff of mission-driven educators who are compelled to disrupt the status quo and passionate about working with youth and young adults who have been failed by traditional systems. As a continually evolving school with a small staff designed to serve a high-need student population, every adult at Map Academy by necessity and design wears multiple hats. Therefore, we hire outside-the-box, entrepreneurial thinkers who are drawn to the fast-paced, iterative opportunity to help us continue to grow our school from the ground up. The next step of the hiring process is to complete the Map Academy Candidate Inventory. Please follow the steps below and submit your response within one week.
Step One:
Make a copy of this Google Doc.
Step Two:
Title your own copy of the Google Doc with the following naming convention: lastname_firstname_candidateinventory.
Step Three:
Complete the Map Academy Candidate Inventory within one week (7 days) of the date we sent the email inviting you to this step of the process.
Step Four:
After you fully complete the candidate inventory, please return it to us via this Google Form.
If you have any questions, please email