

Last day of school update

It’s a strange feeling to have a last day of school in the middle of an extended closure, but we’re proud of the incredible resilience of our school community—and we’re …


Meeting Students’ Needs So They Can Succeed

Education Disruption: Season 2, Episode 5 Welcome back to a special edition of Education Disruption, over the next few weeks we’ll be talking to students of Map Academy that are …


Moving Forward

Education Disruption: Season 2, Episode 4 Welcome back to a special edition of Education Disruption, over the next few weeks we’ll be talking to the co-founders and staff of Map …


Academic Progress Continues

Education Disruption: Season 2, Episode 3 Welcome back to a special edition of Education Disruption. Over the next few weeks we’ll be talking to the co-founders and staff of Map …


Whatever They Need, Whatever It Takes

Education Disruption: Season 2, Episode 2 Welcome back to a special edition of Education Disruption, over the next few weeks we’ll be talking to the co-founders and staff of Map …


The Pivot

Education Disruption: Season 2, Episode 1 On this new special edition of Education Disruption, we’re changing the format and taking a look at how Map Academy has reacted and adapted …


Virtual Student Center Launch

In order to support our Map Academy students during the current school closure, we have created a new section of our website called the Virtual Student Center. Here, students can …


Map Academy Update – March 20, 2020

Please see this video update for details about the current school closure & ways students can continue to make progress remotely. Co-Directors Update – March 20, 2020

Sign up for an open house

Students have a unique experience at Map Academy, and we invite you to check out a sampling of it at one of our Open Houses. Here, you will see the facility, get a sense of how the space allows for the student-centered, flexible model at Map, and have your questions answered by one of our staff.

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