Support Map

Map Academy exists because of critical philanthropic support and community partnerships. State and local education funding covers a basic high school education, but there is nothing basic about the Map Academy experience.

Philanthropic Support

Map Academy is fortunate to have received grants from the Barr Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation, and the Federal Charter School Planning Program, which helped us during our planning period before the school was operational. We welcome the partnership of local, family, and public foundations whose mission aligns with ours. To inquire about supporting Map Academy philanthropically, please contact our Co-Founders.

Sign up for an open house

Students have a unique experience at Map Academy, and we invite you to check out a sampling of it at one of our Open Houses. Here, you will see the facility, get a sense of how the space allows for the student-centered, flexible model at Map, and have your questions answered by one of our staff.

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